When granted Seller privileges, you will receive a Secret Import Email address used to import your information to our platform. You can find this address in the Manage Account section.ย
If SNSC is your servicer, you can give them your Secret Import Email and request that they do a nightly data dump for Paperstac.ย
If, however, you're not with SNSC, you can still attach your tape if the following companies provide it:
Land home
Madison Management
State Bridge
West Star Mortgage
If your Servicer doesn't provide an exportable tape format, you can use our Standard Tape here.
Please note that using the standard tape must retain the same formatting and remain as a .csv file, or it will not be imported correctly.
Using our Single Asset Importer is always best if you have less than ten assets. Here is a video on how to use it.
Once you're ready to upload your assets to the platform, email this secret address with your tape attached. Once received, it will be imported into your Import History and, if everything is imported correctly, then into your My Mortgage Notes.ย
After successfully importing your information, you can add data to each asset in the My Mortgage Notes area.