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Nudge a User

Get the other user's attention

Brett Burky avatar
Written by Brett Burky
Updated over a week ago

You can nudge a user to get their attention. This can be helpful if you're waiting on the other party to respond or perform an action. Once you nudge a user in a transaction, the transaction will be bumped to the top of the user's feed (on their My Feed page). The user will also receive a notification.

Who can nudge?

If your last authored transaction event (left a comment, shared a file, etc) occurred over two business days ago, and the other party has not performed any actions since your event, you can nudge that user.

How to nudge?

If you are eligible to nudge the other user, a Nudge user link will appear above the text input where you leave a comment. Simply click the link to send a nudge.

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